Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Yep, thats right, you read it! April is Autism Awareness Month, so come on people! Be aware and care :) hehe..that rhymed.

So, there was my PSA. Now on to my nonsense. So, what is new?? Hmm..well, we'll get to that. I have decided to make this a weekly thing. Mostly for my own entertainment and because I am so bored. Also to give me something to do while Gage is in his sessions...besides laundry, because I truly hate laundry and will avoid it at all costs.

These past few days have been dragging. Gage has had his sessions as usual, he is doing pretty good. Last night I decided to see if he would eat with a utensil. This is something he has struggled with..he doesnt even like to take bits off of a spoon, unless its ice cream(hehe). So, my mother told me she got him to eat pudding off of a spoon and since Gage's therapist and I at his eval. talked about working on this more I figured why not try it. So last night I sat Gage in his highchair and got some butterscotch(yuck) pudding ready. It took me a few minutes to get some on his lips so he got the taste and would realize that he likes it. Once I finally did, he sat there and with some hand over hand help dug the pudding out of the cup and into his mouth. :) So today when Krystal came I told her about it and we decided to give it a go again. So at 9:30 this morning Gage had pudding for breakfast, lol. I will say, I was quite proud to see my little man sitting there and eating pudding all by himself with a spoon. He even scooped it all by himself too! I wish I could have caught it on tape, but I was too late. It was a big step for him so I was happy. If I have to feed him pudding everyday for breakfast so he will get the hang of it, I'll do it!

This Friday Justin and I go to Albany for Gage's evaluation with the developmental pediatrician. This is his second time seeing her, the first time was when he was diagnosed. I am anxious to see what she will say. Will Gage "preform" what he knows? or will he have a meltdown? I have no idea and what makes me wonder what will happen. I'm hoping for the best and that he shows what he can do and what he has learned. We are leaving early so that way Gage has time to rest, eat and run around before his appt. Its a long drive for him, so he will need the break. I know last time she said that she could tell he was very smart and he may possibly have Asperger's..but its too early to tell.

I do have to say, I am getting more and more excited about Long Island! Mostly to make fun of the accents(just kidding)..but seriously...Cawfee? What is that? Ourange? Huh?? Dawg? Really?? lol..I'll be walking around saying "You talk funny." No, all kidding aside, I am excited. Even if I dont speak the language. :) I kid, I kid..

I realized something looking back at past blogs/notes/whathaveyou..I type like I am talking to thousands of fans. I dont know why, I am sure I dont have thousands of fans..but I guess its just my thing, lol. I also realized I really like this blogging thing. Its nice to stop and think about your day/week/month and pretend like you are talking to people that want to hear it..even if there arent. Of mind goes around and around..I swear I have a touch of add..that I can never remember everything. Even if I do remember, I sometimes dont get around to it, because I go off on one of my random tangents. Oh, here is another one of those coming...

I looked at my bank statement today and felt sick. I realized that I spent WAY, now I mean WAAAAAY too much money. my rent or having spending money in NYC kind of thing. I have back up, but it was supposed to be saved, well..thats out the window! I have to "borrow" from some of that so I can do what I need to do. I also realized I am way too much of a compulsive shopper. Seriously..I go into Walmart for paper towels and come out with 5 magnet frames, fake flowers, chips, laundry basket, 5 $5 movies and some gummy candy(no lie, this has happened very recently). I cant just go and buy what I need...because I "NEED" what is on sale or a good bargain. I dont know why..but I digress. hehe..I've always wanted to say that, lol.

So..back to my vacation..see..random as all hell...I really cant wait to visit with Brit and Dan. Its going to be nice to have adult conversation and not just me singing cartoon theme songs to a smiling 2 year old. Although, as fulfilling as that is, it tends to tire you out. Plus, I think its going to be a really fun time. Brit is goofy and Dan seems laid back...and I love when people get my dirty/dumbass sense of humor!

Ooohh..another thing! I cant believe the amount of people coming to the walk! I mean family, friends..its awesome. I feel and I know this sounds selfish and isnt true..but that they are really showing support for Gage by doing this. I know its not all about him or for him, but to me..he is my Autism Awareness. Its great though..I wanted to say thanks to Karen for doing the raffle, that is just plain awesome of you Little Buddy :)

I am pretty sure I should stop now..I could go on and on...about nothing. Hey! Maybe its like Seinfeld, hehe. Its the blog about nothing..if only I could get rich from it! Yeah, like THAT will ever happen. Well...I know there were a few things I wanted to add on here..but I forgot them. I'll add them as I remember.

OOOH! Wait! I remembered! Today sucked! could I forget? Well..let me give you the Cliff's Notes of it...I have been sick, like siiiiiick sick. I am finally feeling better. Last night my phone/internet went out I decided to wait until the morning to deal with it. This morning still out. So I borrow the internet connection from next door(thanks Donna..hehe) and do a live chat with the internet people. So...after a long explanation and waiting FOREVER for the guy to respond guy #1"I cant help you, let me transfer the conversation for you to someone that can help" problem...guy #2 comes on..hes apparently too lazy to read so I have to explain it all again...then guy #2" I cant help you..blah blah blah, you have to call this number". So, at this point I am less that my sunshiney self(no comments peanut gallery!) and I tell the guy that I have no phone, no cell can I call? He says, and I quote "Go to a pay phone"....A PAY PHONE! arrrrr! So....nicely, of course I tell him that I have a 2 year old here(and yes, I used the term special needs because I was pissed) and can not simply just run to a pay phone(plus I was still in my pj's), besides I wont pay $10 to call their company..and with the technology available how can they not have a live chat for this particular division? I used it with all the other divisons of their company. He says he apologized whatever..and says I should get a hold of a family member. I said to him sure, I'll give one a call. What a dumbass! lol Well..I finally found the tracphone I have, there is only like 28 minutes left on it. So I call this number and I had just enough time to tell the guy my reference number, that I have talked to 2 others, I have no phone and am on a tracphone with under 30 minutes. Just as I get the reference number phone seems to go dead. I cant hear a thing! Oh was I mad. I had to hang up, but couldnt make a call and even if I could I couldnt hear anything...I finally think..well, lets try to text. I sent one to my mother and aunt(because my mother always leaves her phone in the car).

By this time Gage is fast asleep and I hear a loud keep in mind I am still in my pj's..I answer the door and see this guy taht looks 12 years old. I was just in the right mood and was about to say "whatever you are selling I dont want any" when he says he was the internet guy. Now you can imagine my surprise..and embarasssment. I'm in a t-shirt and fleece Barbie printed pajamas while watching wifeswap and avoiding laundry. So, he comes in and I am pretty impressed at this point. All I could think is that the last guy must have read the report from the other 2 guys and took it upon himself to call for service(my hero!). I didnt even get his name!

So, the kid comes in the living room and what happens? lol..the tv starts playing again and the first thing that is said....get ready for it...all loud and clear all you could hear was "anal cavity"..yep, thats right..anal cavity. I looked at the guy and said..I'm sorry. He laughed and said it was ok. Yeah, this chick on tv was talking about her dog's anal cavities. lovely. So..long story short...everything is all fixed and he was very nice.

Ok, ok I know..that wasnt the Cliff's notes version..sue me! :)


  1. Barbie, you make me laugh everytime I read a blog. That's got to say something! Thanks for keeping me entertained. :)

  2. No problem..glad someone likes and reads it :)
