Thursday, November 12, 2009

Little creatures are no friend of mine

Well...I feel I need to declare something.


There, I said it. Now I feel so much better. Actually, I would feel even more better if there were no skunks at all, especially the skunks that are attracted to my porch.

Wait, let me back up a minute...

In my last post I mentioned quickly about a skunk smell that we were trying to get out of the house. That's because in two weeks time we got sprayed three times and it reeked. Like, drive you out of the house reek. We caught one little skunk but figured there must be one more. So, the live trap was set up again and we caught a cat. A stupid black cat that lives around here somewhere and loves all things garbage. Not a big fan of the scavenger cat, but I let it go after calling it a few names. So again, we set up the trap for that night and we got another skunk! This one was HUGE, like a small child could ride it huge. Ok, maybe not THAT huge, but trust me, it was biiiig. If I had to guess, because I didn't get that close, I would have to say it was like the size of small fox. Seriously, one big skunk. One big, smelly, soon to be dead skunk. Everyone was working so I called my mother to tell her we got another one and she said after work she would come over with my step brother to take care of it. Meaning, he would take care of it while she held a large piece of cardboard in front of her. It was quite funny to watch. Long story short, he got the skunk and it was the most foul smelling skunk I have ever smelled. I mean, like rotten garbage can juice on a hot day kind of smell. It was the kind of smell that stayed in your nose for a few hours.

So far, no more skunks. We're going to set up the trap one more time...actually, we did that once and caught the stupid black cat again. So, it is going up one more time and hopefully I will get rid of all the stupid skunks that like to taunt me. I have to admit, I felt all victorious after catching the second skunk. Like I was the "Skunk Hunter" or something. "The Skunk Hunter: Ridding the neighborhood of stink, one skunk at a time..." Not a name I think I really want though. I just want a skunk free porch.

Now, apparently we have a new friend. I think. This summer was a woodchuck, then the skunks and now...I think we might have a mouse in the ceiling. Last night I heard something that I haven't heard before and it made me sick all night thinking about it. So, today I am going to the store and getting traps, De con and whatever cleaning products I can find. This weekend, it's on! Granted, I have slacked with some household things. Not that I'm miss spic and span anyway but I'm not "Ms. Let's leave cereal on the floor for later" either. I'm sure with Gage there is a little of this or that here and there. I get it the best I can, but I can't deal with a mouse. If that is what it is. It taunts me, it's taunting me now without even knowing it. I'm all itchy and want to check everything for little turds. I have never seen anything in here and last night was the first I've heard a noise. So, that's good but still...the only mice I like are dead mice. If you haven't noticed, I'm not a fan of woodland creatures. I think I need to get a cat...

Alright, all critters and such aside...

I went to the doctors yesterday for my thumb. I have been waiting a year to go to this appointment and I get there and they want an x-ray. I guess because I shouldn't still have tightness/pain this long after surgery. So the doc orders an x-ray but I get to the x-ray place(right down the hall) and asked if it's ok for me to have one if I'm pregnant. Which, I kind of already knew it wasn't but still..I asked. So, as expected I couldn't get one. Now I have to wait until after I pop this baby out to go back and get things started. Fun times.

Well..I'm getting closer to the end of this whole pregnancy. I must say, I can't wait! I feel like complete crap. I'm tired, sore, can't breathe and hate heartburn. Oh...and I would like to be able to not have ginormous boobs anymore. I mean, they were large and in charge before..but now..the need their own zip code, seriously. It's scary. I've gone from "Look at the chick with big boobs" to "DAAAAAAYUM!!". I'm like a circus freak. They need to go.

Other than the crazy chesticle growth, things are good. I'm still not gaining any weight but the baby is..I think I really started to pop now. I go in two more weeks for my appointment so we will see the damage on the scale then. I have a feeling that this no weight gain thing is coming to an end. I had a good run, but it's time to play catch up I think.

I have pretty much everything I need, except a few more packages of diapers, another set of bottles, a pack and play and random little things that are easy to get. I should have stuff from Gage, but stupid me either sold or gave it away. Not all, but enough of it.

Speaking of my lil' old man, he is such a turd! He had a new word...Walmart. Yep, Walmart. He saw a commercial when we were visiting my cousin and he pointed and said "Malmart". Now, this made me think that we go there way to often. So I'm thinking that I need to cool off on the trips with Gage there. I hate going there, but it is a necessary evil because I'm too lazy to go to three stores for the things I need to buy. Although, I do need to go there today....crap!

Alright, lunch is calling...actually screaming my name. So it's off we go!

Wait! I forgot some really good news! Duh! ::slaps forhead::

We got the results of Gage's blood work from the genetic center. He has no chromosomal abnormalities, fragile x, the one gene for Autism they can now look for(I guess, some kids on the spectrum have this gene) or anything else! He is completely chromasomially good. :) Which is good news.

Ok, now I'm done.


  1. Just a note on Fragile X testing, only because so many medical centers/professionals get it wrong. Make sure they ran the right test, FMR1 DNA test, Southern Blot with PCR Analysis, if they did they should have gave you a CGG repeat number, if they didn't then they may not have accurately ruled out Fragile X, microarrays and chromosome analysis are not accurate in diagnosing FX.

    Good luck with your new little one on the way! hugs

  2. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. His father got a copy of the blood work so I'll know more when I get too look at it.
